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- Nature Maid House Cleaning
- Sortable tables in MediaWiki
- Tutorial on how to use FileMerge
- Single-Stream Recycling Guide that has nice explanations of why you can't recycle certain items (note that this guide is for Boulder not Ann Arbor)
- Teach to learn vs. teach to tell is an idea that seems promising to explore more
Baby products
Things that look promising that Leeann hasn't had a chance to read yet
- Bill Moyers' interview of Jane Goodall
- Spitfire - Communication tools for nonprofits that was mentioned at RPM2010
- Hazel Markus' concept of Possible Selves
- LA Times article on Walter Goldschmidt and The Human Career
Promising ideas that someone should implement
- Drought alert system that emails you if hasn't rained at your location in 2-3 weeks (or maybe bases it on < X inches of rainfall in Y period of time).