- Image to add to our postcard collection
- Nature Maid House Cleaning
- Sortable tables in MediaWiki
- Tutorial on how to use FileMerge
- Single-Stream Recycling Guide that has nice explanations of why you can't recycle certain items (note that this guide is for Boulder not Ann Arbor)
- Teach to learn vs. teach to tell is an idea that seems promising to explore more
- 2 minute time period - Distance yourself from what you were doing by giving yourself a 2 minute break from it. Doesn't much matter what you do as long as you stop yourself from continuing to do what you were doing right beforehand.
- Eye to Eye, the first personal portfolio by master photographer Frans Lanting, presents an extraordinary collection of animal images by an award-winning photographer and naturalist who "has set the standards for a whole generation of wildlife photographers," according to the BBC.
More than 140 photographs, made over a period of twenty years, reveal the unique personal aesthetic Frans Lanting brings to wildlife photography, as well as the startling new perspective on animals his images provoke. In a review of his work The New York Times states, "Mr. Lanting's photographs take creatures that have become ordinary and familiar and transform them into haunting new visions."
- kissyoutube became
Baby products
Things that look promising that Leeann hasn't had a chance to read yet
- Bill Moyers' interview of Jane Goodall
- Spitfire - Communication tools for nonprofits that was mentioned at RPM2010
- Hazel Markus' concept of Possible Selves
- LA Times article on Walter Goldschmidt and The Human Career
- Zimbardo prezi presentation - might be my entry into finding out what prezi is
Promising ideas that someone should implement
- Drought alert system that emails you if hasn't rained at your location in 2-3 weeks (or maybe bases it on < X inches of rainfall in Y period of time).
Promising excerpts that I might want to use
Domesticating things
From (didn't read the whole blog post)
A few weeks ago I was reading from Evelyn Underhill’s book Practical Mysticism ”Because mystery is horrible to us, we have agreed for the most part to live in a world of labels;” a light bulb in my mind went off. Of course, maybe labeling and judging is about safety and comfort, even belonging and community. If we label, especially when we are experiencing discomfort with someone, possibly we are provided some relief from our discomfort by classifying what is wrong (the label, judgment or blame).